Injection cosmetology

Is it possible to inject Botox during menstruation

We find out whether the effectiveness of botulinum therapy decreases if it is carried out during menstruation ...

Every woman knows that menstruation is not the right time for any more or less responsible medical or cosmetic procedures. Increased pain sensitivity and shaky nerves certainly do not make medical manipulations easier these days, and a general depressed physical and psychological state increases the risk of unwanted side effects. It is these nuances that need to be taken into account when planning to inject Botox during menstruation. Despite the fact that in principle it is possible to conduct botulinum therapy during menstruation and there is no direct ban on it during this period, for maximum safety it is better to transfer this procedure to another day.

Nevertheless, there are situations when transferring Botox injections to another time fails. For example, a patient may have a menstrual cycle and start a period literally on the day of the procedure, agreed in advance. Or it happens that, in order to save money, women are registered for botulinum therapy with a group - in this case, the doctor spends the entire bottle of funds at a time and he does not have any unused botulinum toxin. Some patients wait for such group records for weeks, and they cannot cancel injections due to menstruation (especially, which are not a contraindication).

What should a woman do in such cases? What will she risk if Botox is injected during menstruation? In what cases is the procedure definitely better to transfer, and when can I take a chance? And if you take risks, then what nuances need to be taken into account? Let's deal with these issues.


Can Botox injections pose any danger during menstruation?

Radical changes in the body of a woman during menstruation does not occur. During this period, the hormonal background changes slightly, many women have physical weakness and mild mental disorders - irritability, depression, aggressiveness. There are less obvious signs of physiological changes - pain in the lower abdomen, migraine, very rarely - symptoms of mild fever.

None of these manifestations can affect the effect of botulinum toxin. Consequently, the cosmetic effect of the procedure performed during menstruation will be the same as it would be, botulinum therapy was carried out at the end of menstruation or before them.

The result of using Botox

Critical days have no effect on the end result from botulinum therapy.

On the other hand, botulinum toxin itself cannot affect the flow of menstruation. It does not have a general effect on the body, and only some side effects from its injections can affect the condition of the woman. Actually, Botox will not affect the duration and symptom complex of menstruation in a particular woman: her periods will proceed in the same way as without a procedure.

The main and, in fact, the only risk of botulinum therapy during menstruation is an increased likelihood of side effects that would not have manifested themselves if the procedure had been carried out in a different period. For example, some characteristic for a particular woman, but relatively weak “side effects” precisely during menstruation can intensify and worsen the general condition of the patient, while others can supplement the symptom complex of menstruation.

As a rule, the really dangerous for health and especially for life consequences that arose precisely because of the procedure on critical days do not happen. Nevertheless, the undesirable effects themselves, enhanced by menstruation and multiplied by a woman’s increased sensitivity, can be very unpleasant.


Possible undesirable consequences of the procedure during this period

Most often, women undergoing botulinum therapy during menstruation complain of severe pain from injections.This is due to an increase in the sensitivity of the body on critical days and a greater sensitivity at this time to pain. It is not surprising that even with the use of the thinnest needles, injections, usually normally tolerated by the patient, during her menstruation cause considerable pain. Often, women even require preliminary anesthesia with lidocaine (usually it is carried out without injection, by simply lubricating the skin with an anesthetic solution).

Anesthesia before Botox injections

Sometimes a woman with a low pain threshold has to apply a local anesthetic.

Naturally, if injections cause pain on ordinary days, then during menstruation they are more likely to be even more painful.

On a note

It is believed that some Botox analogues - Relatox, Neuronox - are very painful when administered on their own. Women feel pain when injected with these drugs and beyond the period of menstruation. During menstruation, both the soreness of such injections and the duration of pain can significantly increase.

The same is true for pain and itching, developing at the injection sites after the procedure. Such sensations are one of the most common side effects of Botox injections. If you do these injections during your period, then the likelihood of such complications will be much higher.

Also, on critical days, the risk of other unpleasant sensations arising after botulinum therapy is increased. For example, the patient may have the illusion of a foreign body under the skin, a feeling of tightness and tightness of the skin. Such effects persist for several days, after which they completely disappear.

Another consequence is edema and hematomas at the injection sites of Botox. Like the previous side effect, they often occur in a perfectly normal state of a woman, but menstruation significantly increases the risk of their development. These defects are temporary, they usually disappear in 2-3 days, but they spoil the impression of the procedure for many women and often provoke a fear that they will persist for a long time.

Other consequences of botulinum therapy during menstruation are much less common:

  • Acne and acne at the injection sites;
  • Flu-like syndrome, one of the most unpleasant. It is accompanied by signs of mild fever, leading to nasal congestion, sneezing and malaise. It passes quickly enough and is not complicated;
  • Allergy. As a rule, it is in no way associated with menstruation, but due to the weakened state of a woman, it can occur more clearly than outside the period of menstruation.
Allergy after Botox

An allergic reaction after the introduction of botulinum toxin cannot be associated with menstruation.

It is important to understand that some of the listed consequences can develop even if they have not previously appeared in a woman. In particular, if in the previous procedures the injections were painless for the patient, then during the period of menstruation they may well be accompanied by severe pain that persists for some time after the injections.

Since changes in the woman’s body during menstruation do not affect the activity of botulinum toxin in the tissues, the frequency of facial defects from the procedures at this time does not differ from the frequency of those that occur outside the periods of menstruation. If after the procedure the patient develops ptosis, a “sad face”, asymmetry of the eyebrows or lips, the cause of the defect is the doctor’s mistakes, but is not connected with the menstruation itself.

Century ptosis after botulinum therapy

If a woman has a serious side effect (for example, ptosis of the eyelid), then this is a doctor’s mistake, and not the influence of menstruation.

Similarly, the effect of injections and the speed of its onset practically do not depend on menstruation. In women who underwent the procedure during this period, the wrinkles disappear just as quickly and for as long as when passing it in a normal state.


Here, too, they frightened me with all sorts of exacerbations, if you put Botox during menstruation. It’s good that I didn’t listen. I stabbed right at the junction of the ICP and menstruation, set it in the morning, and things started in the evening. In general, nothing scary and special. Everything is exactly the same. The doctor warned that it might be painful to stab, but everything was fine. She even suggested Xeomin, because it is more refined than Botox, and less likely to cause pain, but I decided to tolerate. I used Botox all the time, so it’s better not to change it. There was no pain or bruising. So there is nothing to fear.

Kristina, Nizhny Novgorod


What to do if side effects still occur

If side effects occur (especially if they have not previously manifested in a woman), it is important to remember that if they are associated with menstruation, they completely disappear within 1-2 days. Thus, these consequences are definitely not a reason for panic. Nevertheless, they require attention from a specialist. Therefore, for any unexpected consequences, you must:

  • Calm down;
  • Call the beautician who gave the injections, report the problem and ask what needs to be done and whether any measures should be taken;
  • Follow beautician's directions.
For side effects, consult your beautician.

If side effects occur, you should contact your cosmetologist to further adjust the rehabilitation period.

It is extremely undesirable to make one or another attempt to correct the situation yourself. Due to erroneous actions, the negative consequences can be aggravated and complicated, as a result of which the defects will persist for a longer period and may be even more dangerous.

For example, if acne appeared on the forehead after injections, it is very dangerous to try to squeeze pimples - this can lead to inflammation, the appearance of large ulcers and scars in their place. It is also undesirable to treat this rash with one or another means - massaging the skin with this treatment can provoke diffusion of botulinum toxin into non-target muscles and the development of side effects that will remain on the face for several months.

remember, that The cosmetologist bears responsibility for the result of the procedure. If complications have developed, eliminating them is the doctor’s task, therefore, do not take his bread from him and for all questions refer to him.


Psychological nuances

Another important nuance that many patients usually prefer to ignore, but which turns out to be very important precisely during menstruation: the irritability inherent in women during this period can seriously affect satisfaction with the procedure.

So, various minor troubles that can occur during injections and after them, and which a woman would not even pay attention to in an ordinary situation, can cause serious discontent during menstruation and even lead to a conflict with a cosmetologist or clinic staff. And significant pain from injections and hematomas can become a reason for complaints and negative reviews.

Redness at the injection site

Slight redness and spots after botulinum therapy are a normal reaction that goes away within a few days.

Partly for this reason, many cosmetologists strongly discourage women patients from undergoing botulinum therapy during menstruation. Most cosmetologists know that nothing critical will happen in this case, but every doctor understands that a patient with menstruation is not sufficiently predictable. It’s easier for a specialist to postpone the procedure for several days or completely refuse a one-time appointment than to receive unreasonable claims and negative feedback about his work. In this regard, as a rule, cosmetologists do not prescribe procedures for women during menstruation, two days before them (with premenstrual syndrome) and within one day after menstruation.


Botox injections before or after menstruation - which option is better?

But it’s decided: during the week of menstruation, “beauty injections” are definitely canceled. But when is it safer to make them - before critical days or after?

From the point of view of the influence of Botox on the body, it is completely indifferent to undergo the procedure before or after menstruation. The result of injections and the likelihood of side effects will be the same in both cases. But there are two nuances:

  • If the procedure is performed before menstruation and as a result of it side effects develop, it is highly undesirable that they persist until the onset of menstruation. In this case, there may be some delay in the completion of these effects due to hormonal changes;
  • It is recommended to avoid injecting close to the ICP or to the menstrual period itself. As soon as menstruation begins a day earlier - and the patient will go to the procedure angry and irritated, and the injections themselves, she may have to endure stoically because of severe pain.

This means that for maximum safety Botox injections are better planned for the period after menstruation, which guarantees protection against all sorts of accidents. (for example, the doctor will take the appointment a day in advance or the menstruation will begin a little earlier). But even after critical days, injections need to be taken only if you feel good and there are no diseases in the acute stage. Only in this case the procedures will be the safest.


Can botulinum therapy be given during menstruation? Specialist response


Useful video about preventing complications after Botox injections


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